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Light Shining Through
Piano Improvisations
11 Sound Portrait piano improvisations transport the listener on a journey through a spectrum of moods to warm the heart, support the healing process, and restore natural rhythms of life.
I felt healing almost immediately.
Review by Lynette Lisell
One day I decided to bring Suzanne Grosvenor's CD to work with me. I was going through a very stressful job situation. I put the CD into the player and before long my anxiety began to melt away. I felt healing almost immediately. I became aware of that place in myself, a quiet, safe place deep within me. It made me aware of the divine all around me and deep within me and that nothing can change that.
I've listened to other music in my office, but this one really, really got me to where I needed to be; that place of knowing that God is always with me and that life might throw me some difficulties and I can still be in a place of peace and all is well.
I like to play Light Shining Through during my meditations. So much of the music recorded for meditation tends to be repetitive and monotonous but Light Shining Through is rich and colorful. Though the music is changeable and has a great deal of color and personality there is a sense of calm and peace and healing throughout.
Listening to Suzanne's music is like traveling next to a river. I used to do a lot of bike riding next to rivers and they're always changing. I love that about the music. At one point it'll be very calm, still and peaceful. Then you go a little farther along and it's joyful and fun and playful. And then you go along a little farther and it's once again very introspective and makes you think. Throughout the whole CD there is a sense of peace and a calmness.
Like Satie, pellucid, evocative
Review by Mike Heffley, PhD, ethnomusicologist / author Full review at
Evocative tone poems on solo piano... Suzanne Grosvenor’s music (is) like that of Erik Satie’s: simple, pellucid, and again, above all, evocative. These pieces come with “liner notes” that are part of that voice, and supplement the tracks with their own story. Each is an unscripted improvisation inspired by a person who “sat” for her, like a model for a painter. That approach is one she’s cultivated to mastery over time...that belies ideological distinctions between the composed and the improvised. The quality of the instrument and recording add much to the music too; the low notes ring out like rock gongs, in satisfying contrast to the more diaphanously feminine range that prevails. [A] tonic to soothe the stresses of the soul...aged to its pithier bite and deeper bouquet.
Lantern in the Window
Piano Reflections
Suzanne's first album released in 1984. A collection of compositional Mind Movies, each piece is a vignette depicting a real life situation. Some jazzy, some classical, some expansive and meditative, very melodic.
An exceptionally fine piano album
An exceptionally fine piano LP. Lyrical and poetic with lots of warmth. Alternately reflective, vibrant and passionate with life... A nostalgic atmosphere as if recalling good times long ago...crafted into little gems ...The effect is that of looking through an old family photo album -- smiling, remembering, perhaps wiping away a tear, laughing and being thankful for every moment. A ten.
Sally Idassway, Sound Choice Magazine, USA
Close and friendly
A blend of classical structure and lyrical melody, close and friendly, with an occasional punch of rock 'n' roll or the feline sensuality of jazz...Suzanne shapes silence with a caress, letting single notes define the space while caring as much for the parts with no sound as for the parts that are heard. Yet, her songs never get bogged down in the seriousness of being art. They are meant to be for us, the regular folks...A practical album to be used all the calm the anxiety of going home in rush-hour traffic. Play it at home late at night, when the world is quiet, and the mind is open to more intuitive things.
Chuck Graham, Tucson Citizen
Evocative...unworldly...interesting harmonies and rhythmic twists
Unworldly, pristine rhythms and harmonies. Well-crafted, expressive melodies... A dash of Far Eastern musical Afro-American influence. Grosvenor’s touch, rhythmic and emotional sense definitely convey the classicist she is. Comparisons of her sound to George Winston are inevitable...but Grosvenor’s composing spectrum is wider...The result is often an air reminiscent ECM record of Swedish composers. Comparisons to Roger Kellaway or Claude Bolling might be the most telling. Interesting harmonies and rhythmic twists... Moving from wonder to tenderness to joy and back.
Mike Heffley, What’s Happening, Oregon
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Light Shining Through Reviews
To get centered, I listen to this CD
Suzanne is blessed with a gift for healing through her music. I have stacks of music -- some music soothes, a lot of music is uplifting -- but Suzanne’s music changes my spiritual heart. To get centered, I listen to this CD Light Shining Through. When I’m having a tough day, I put the CD on and I feel much happier and God-centered.
Review by Vicki K, Recovery Coach
Good Medicine without Bad Side Effects
I feel supported just having the CD playing. However I’m feeling at any given moment, the music of Light Shining Through balances me. When I hear the music, my knowing and connection with Source are magnified. It’s like good medicine without bad side effects.
Review by Jan Henrikson, writer
Piano for the Soul
Suzanne’s music is amazing. It can lift your spirits and warm your heart. The CD could provide a vehicle for prayer and contemplation or be gorgeous dinner music to accompany great food and conversation.
Review by Joyce S. Full review at
A sense of being lifted and loved by God
The music carries me on waves of gentleness and then intensity...I find peace and healing and a sense of being lifted up and loved by God. Suzanne’s music opens me to impressions and visions. It’s always fresh and powerful.
Mert Ingvoldstad
My love of music is restored!
The music is so incredibly beautiful, I cannot believe it. I have loved fine music all of my life. In the past 15 years, I’ve had no interest in listening to music since suffering a debilitating illness. My music collection has been left on the shelf, gathering dust. Hearing Suzanne’s CD ‘Light Shining Through’ changed this. It is uplifting, clear, unlike anything I’ve heard before. My love of music is restored!
R. Hathaway
Lantern in the Window PRESS
Merits wide attenton
An evolving composer, her work merits wide attention.
Transnational Perspectives
Geneva, Switzerland
The best LP I've heard in a long time. Crystal clear piano solos that can easily become the background music for Life. Exquisite.
Ladyslipper Music, North Carolina
Passionate and compassionate
Exquisitely passionate and compassionate piano works, brim full of melody. Deserves wide recognition.
Fortnightly College Radio Report
Rhode Island
Overwhelming response on radio
Met with overwhelming response, Lantern is the most requested album on the New Acoustic Music Program.
Forrest Faubion, Radio Host
A fine collection. Grosvenor’s approach is to caress sounds and moods from the instrument. Even when she whips into a boogie woogie, Grosvenor imparts an air of delicacy and subtle flavoring. A triumphant result.
Kurt Olsen
Arts & Entertainment Magazine, Portland
Stands out melodically
I only wish I had listened to this one sooner. Among current piano recordings ‘Lantern in the Window’ stands out as really having something to say melodically.
Joseph Rowe, KOAP Radio,Portland, OR

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